Post by aaosmts19 on Sept 15, 2008 20:06:25 GMT -5
Check out Andrew Love's excellent recap of some critical developments from the Board meeting. www.andrewlove.org/blog1) "There will be 2 Olympic trials to represent the USA at Vancouver. The first, and most important one, will likely be in Milwaukee in late October 2009, and the second in late December 2009." He goes on to describe the reasons why. 2) "There were other important things discussed at the meeting including something that might have a huge impact on what I do here. The banning of video cameras (possibly including mine) from all events that US speedskating webcasts is one of them. They also are banning picture taking/videos at practice." ---------------- Banning picture taking/videos at practice: Y'all remember from my pilgrimmage to SLC in May, when I was the only fan in the building, and I got asked to 'cease and desist'. This type of action really makes one wonder as to how hard they really want to sell short track. If the only time you can see these skaters is 1) in person or thru a USS-sanctioned feed, they are going to be sorely cutting their nose off. It is really hard to feel like a fan, regardless of Apolo...... It is feeling less and less welcoming.
Post by Lindsey on Sept 15, 2008 20:15:21 GMT -5
Breaking my silence (not an intended silence, believe me)....to ask a question.
Can someone answer why it would be so bad to take pictures and video at practice? That seems the most ridiculous to me... I know there's all sorts of copyright stuff that comes when telecasts/webcasts are involved, but I totally agree with AAOsmts19. They can use all the publicity they can get. And if starved-for-any-kind-of-ST fans want to take pictures, just turn a blind eye. Unless they're willing to hire a fantastic photographer who will take amazing pictures of Apolo for us, and then give us the high-res versions for free (sarcasm). But really... *sigh*
Post by bubblebuttsbabe on Sept 15, 2008 20:30:57 GMT -5
I think I'll need some time to digest the 2 Olympic Trials...it's a little odd to me even though I understand what ISU/USS/other NGB's are trying to do.
I believe it'll work out in the end.
And the time trials? How important is October now? ;]
On the media note, I am not surprised by USS' thoughts. It's what I've expected to hear. I think they need to suck it up and realize that there are other people (journalists/fans/whatever) that could do wonders with the exposure they could give speedskating. But I guess they will never know until they try.
Post by aaosmts19 on Sept 15, 2008 20:34:05 GMT -5
When I got shut down in SLC in May, coach Larry saw me in the stands and called upstairs to Kori to ask if the media was present that day taking pics. She came to me and asked me please not to take pics.
There were many reasons; I suppose some stronger than others. She was extremely nice about it, and spent about 1/2 hour talking with me as we watched the ice workout and answered my many questions.
1) protection of the members....some of them have had their faces pasted into porn sites
2) "some of the girls are embarrassed about their bodies and being in skinsuits"......oh that was a little far fetched, I thought...you put on the skin suite 300 days out of the year and you're still self conscious?
3) Some of the kids are still 'babies' and they want to protect them from pics showing up on the internet. A few of the women were going to high school just across the street in between workouts. USS had an obligation to the younger members to ensure their privacy and safety while they were away from home. This speaks to the article I just read on the board about Morgan Izzy moving to SLC and her parents having to assign legal guardianship to 2 coaches. They consider the ST group a family and are very protective of their 'children'.
4) Skinsuits with outdated logos on them. Pics have shown up on the internet with skaters wearing older skinsuits showing sponsors that are no longer under contract. The current sponsor gets upset about this and there has been a lawsuit, in fact in past. My understanding is that it was because of a suit that Shani got photographed in. Coincidentally, on the day that I was there, he was an an older skinsuit with a previous sponsor...RIght off the bat, that could have been the most sensitive issue and why they asked me not to shoot.
The interesting thing was that I had travelled from Las VEgas to SLC specifically to shoot pics; I had bought a new SLC for the very purpose of hoping to get to see them compete someplace in the States, and I wanted time to figure out how to shoot action shots, with telephoto. I mean, I stopped at Cosco, bought the camera, went to the oval, sat in the bleachers cross legged and opened up the box, reading directions and snapping pics. I've got some great ones focusing on the marks in the plexiglass, the netting over the plexiglass, seeing what the telephoto could focus on if you looked out the window. I've got about 4 shots of recognizable people, and that's it. So much for a $1000 camera and 800-mile round trip pilgrimmage. It doesn't give you the warm and fuzzies.
No one ever mentioned 'training secrets.
As for video....we are 5 days away from the Am Cup1 and no mention from USS about webcasts. Remember that they only have the rights to do webcasts of US meetings. SO here's an excellent opportunity, once again a missed opportunity.
Edited to read: THe more I think about this the more upsetting it becomes.
How do they expect to get fans to pay for $$$ to put their butts in the seats to watch these things up close and personal? The fans learn about it from VIDEO and pictures. Imagine if you only got your fix from a few measly newspaper reports, and 2 webcasts a year.
The reason they get fans in the seats is from grass-root efforts. While we all get together on GA, its the pics and youtube videos that keep it going. No one would be shelling out hard-earned money to follow this group of athletes around based on news reports only.
Post by bubblebuttsbabe on Sept 15, 2008 20:41:29 GMT -5
Breaking my silence (not an intended silence, believe me)....to ask a question. Can someone answer why it would be so bad to take pictures and video at practice? That seems the most ridiculous to me... I know there's all sorts of copyright stuff that comes when telecasts/webcasts are involved, but I totally agree with AAOsmts19. They can use all the publicity they can get. And if starved-for-any-kind-of-ST fans want to take pictures, just turn a blind eye. Unless they're willing to hire a fantastic photographer who will take amazing pictures of Apolo for us, and then give us the high-res versions for free (sarcasm). But really... *sigh* The "excuses" I've read from Andrew's blog and other places are lame. "Speed skating secrets"? Oh really. ;] Who would want to steal USS' "secrets"? No one (well, maybe the fans cause I think we're getting a little restless here, but that might just be me). I can see how they want to keep their tactics and training to a minimum (as in outside knowledge) because it may really work for them, but without footage/photos, how can skaters improve? Andrew also talked about how fans may take embarrassing photos of skaters (not anyone here, I assume ) or sponsors may see their skaters wearing the wrong logos on their skinsuits - THAT I can understand. But for the rest of it - if USS gave us information or shed a little light on the athletes that we are suppose to care about come every 4 years other than the 6 months that leads up to this glorious event that many of them have been spending their ENTIRE lives to get to...MAYBE I'd cut them some slack. But right now, they have a job to do - and they are seriously lacking. A few updates and some interaction on a certain NGB site wouldn't hurt anyone. And as for the photographers thing - I think USS has quite a few volunteers here (as long at the OFF doesn't mess our cameras). ;D (I think I'm done with my ranting and raving...I knew I shouldn't have read this...I'm getting all worked up. LOL.)
Post by aaosmts19 on Sept 15, 2008 20:46:33 GMT -5
I am still getting revved up about this. I was on OZ re-reading the article about the new company hired to promote speedskating. The first paragraphs says:
Amplify Sports and Entertainment Retained by US Speedskating for Sponsorship Sales and Marketing Partnership Amplify to Drive Sponsorship Revenue, Create World Class Hospitality Events, Improve Awareness around US Speedskating's Grassroots Program -------------------------------- I wonder if the videoing and banning of pictures is part of creating world class "HOSPITALITY" events and improving awareness...
Man, I'm steamed...
Post by aaosmts19 on Sept 15, 2008 20:52:21 GMT -5
As for the 'speed skating' secrets:
The stealing of secrets would come into play because we've managed to hire the great coaches from China, Canada and Korea. US wants to dominate and they don't want anyone reporting back as to what training drills are going on. That I can understand.
Even Apolo has mentioned the secrecy around seeing the shape that skaters are in...have they gained weight, are they injured.
Talk about living in a paranoid bubble for years and year!
It's too bad that they couldn't have a nice, easy training session on Saturday mornings "Public Invited"....
Post by susie on Sept 15, 2008 21:52:02 GMT -5
Some of the arguments that you were given, Aaosmts, for banning picture-taking at practice hold water, and some don't. I'll buy the arguments for not giving away training secrets and for avoiding sponsorship issues. I'll even add that it might be a distraction to the athletes while they are training.
Now let's tackle the other points. Their faces might be posted onto someone else's bodies at porn sites? Unfortunate, for sure, but seeing as how fans can freely take photos of the skaters at meets, what's the difference? The girls are shy about being seen in their skinsuits? Oh, puh-lease. Only a non-athlete would make this argument. Some of these kids are still babies? These "babies" are deemed old enough to train with the national program, and to compete both nationally and internationally, should they qualify, with all the attendant photography. Hello?
I'm sorry, but they're going to have to do better than that.
I just checked the website for my nearest NASCAR track, and guess what? They don't ban videocams. AND they broadcast their events on major networks. USS, you have a long way to go until you get to that level of popular. Let the fans have their videocams.
Post by lilyover76 on Sept 15, 2008 23:01:11 GMT -5
Okay... I just returned home tonight and am trying to catch up on all things online. Regarding the ban on pictures/videos... is this just at the practices??? Or... is it anytimeI've been skimming the posts so I'm not sure I'm interpreting the posts correctly.
Post by bubblebuttsbabe on Sept 15, 2008 23:10:46 GMT -5
The more I think about it...the more I don't understand.
How many fans actually visit practices? I'm assuming only diehards like aaomts19. ;D
I know a few people went to Colorado to visit the OTC (myself included) and I bet that a few go to Utah for the Oly Village and such, but is it such a large number that it is disrupting usual USS business and skating practices?
If so, where are these fans? Is USS hiding them? Cause I'm pretty sure the number of fans that I have encountered would not cause a nuisance anywhere sadly - except maybe an ice rink. ;D
Now I'm just confused. I've got to stop thinking about this. ;]
Lily, Andrew said: The banning of video cameras (possibly including mine) from all events that US speedskating webcasts is one of them. They also are banning picture taking/videos at practice.
So I am assuming photos are fine at events, but nothing would be okay at practices.
Post by lilyover76 on Sept 15, 2008 23:24:58 GMT -5
Lily, Andrew said: The banning of video cameras (possibly including mine) from all events that US speedskating webcasts is one of them. They also are banning picture taking/videos at practice.So I am assuming photos are fine at events, but nothing would be okay at practices. BBB - okay, I see what you mean... Thanks!!!
Post by mtnme on Sept 16, 2008 0:16:30 GMT -5
Certainly this news makes you wonder what these people are thinking ? - or do they??? Every indication seems to scream - "We really don't want fans - stay home. In fact, better still, be a fan of some other sport. We want to keep it our little secret, it's just for us! But we'll take your money, so give us a donation...." It would appear there isn't a business, marketing or advertising degree in the bunch, as some simple truths right out of first year Marketing 101 seem to escape them. And then they wonder why the sport is always broke. They can hire PR firms until they are blue, but until they grasp some basic concepts, it going to be nothing but money wasted. So here's the scoop USS, not that you're reading this anyway - since for you, we don't actually exist.... But just for grins and giggles, here goes just the same .... If you ever want to land the big dogs, those healthy donations from the big corporate sponsors, you first have to ask yourself this one simple question: "Do you HONESTLY believe these company's are being COMPLETELY altruistic when the sponsor USS?" (and if you are answering YES to this question - your 'Reality Checks' have all bounced....) Newsflash: They're advertising. They're getting their name out there. They're hawking their wares. So what is the point of ringing the rinks with advertising and slapping logos all over the skaters skinsuits (even the wrong logos) when the only people who ever SEE it, are the skaters parents. Without fans, these companies are pretty much just advertising to 'Air'. And 'Air' doesn't tend to buy a whole hell of a lot. It doesn't have a bank account. In these tight economic times, a smart company is going to use those limited advertising funds where it will do them the most good- while also doing something 'altruistic and noble'. So why should they be moved to support USS, when they can slap their logos on a figure skating venue or alpine skiing event? -These sports at least get some media attention. Why? because they have FANS! People who actually care enough to watch. What a concept....ever heard of it?And how do you attempt to GROW a sport without fans. And how do you ATTRACT fans, when there is no attempt to gain any, and all efforts to get some sort of media attention - ANY attention is constantly thwarted. Hey, I look at all our blurry pics, videos and whatnot as 'free advertising'. At least we're trying to get other people interested. I wouldn't mind so much the banning of our shaky, fuzzy, dark and blurry videos and photos, if they would post, play or broadcast some BETTER ones of their own! And I'll give you what we had to go through to see videos of the World Team Event as Exhibit A. If it wasn't for our complete and total whining, begging, pleading, cajoling and all out snivel fest to our Brit compatriots, we NEVER would have seen them! I do understand the concept of copyright laws, but the only reason they seem to buy the rights to these things is so they can hold 'em hostage - and only to those living in North America!!!! LOL (although I will grant you, this was an ISU thing, not USS) WWWWHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY? It's almost looks like a collective, taunting NGB, ISU: "neener, neener, neener - we have something you can't see, we have something you can't see..." And speaking of the NGB, one of the skater's parents had told me: "You fans are great! You are grabbing the NGB by the ears and pulling them into the 21st century!"Now you are going to laugh when I tell you this, but I e-mailed back: "NGB? What does that stand for? No Good Bastards? For which my reply had him laughing his a$$ off. "No" he said, " it stands for National Governing Body" (...what can I say? I just call 'em USS) My reply? ..."Hey, I like MY definition better...."
Post by number1fan on Sept 16, 2008 0:41:17 GMT -5
you didn't miss a lick babe!
it's exactly like you said....it's like 'they' want to desperately keep this sport to themselves.
bravo mtnme! ;D ;D ;D
Post by evie5 on Sept 16, 2008 6:07:36 GMT -5
Is there some way for us to contact USS via email? Maybe we could "educate" them in Marketing 101. I wouldn't mind sending them a copy of our replys here, just so they can see how strongly we feel and how it affects us.
Post by aaosmts19 on Sept 16, 2008 6:24:15 GMT -5
From the minutes of last sprint's Board Meeting minutes:
Television and Webcasting This year was the beginning of webcasting of US Speedskating events. Visibility is essential for our sport to grow. Broadcast visibility provides sponsors with added value for their support. Domestic webcasting provides opportunities for fan development. This initiative is essential for future growth in every area of the USS operation.
Interesting that 'visibility' is valued for fan development. So why no Broadcast for this weekend's meet?