Certainly this news makes you wonder what these people are thinking ? - or do they???
Every indication seems to scream -
"We really don't want fans - stay home. In fact, better still, be a fan of some other sport. We want to keep it our little secret, it's just for us! But we'll take your money, so give us a donation...." It would appear there isn't a business, marketing or advertising degree in the bunch, as some simple truths right out of first year Marketing 101 seem to escape them. And then they wonder why the sport is always broke. They can hire PR firms until they are blue, but until they grasp some basic concepts, it going to be nothing but money wasted.
So here's the scoop USS, not that you're reading this anyway - since for you, we don't actually exist....
But just for grins and giggles, here goes just the same ....
If you ever want to land the big dogs, those healthy donations from the big corporate sponsors, you first have to ask yourself this one simple question:
"Do you HONESTLY believe these company's are being COMPLETELY altruistic when the sponsor USS?" (and if you are answering YES to this question - your 'Reality Checks' have all bounced....)
Newsflash: They're advertising. They're getting their name out there. They're hawking their wares.
So what is the point of ringing the rinks with advertising and slapping logos all over the skaters skinsuits (even the
wrong logos) when the only people who ever SEE it, are the skaters parents.
Without fans, these companies are pretty much just advertising to 'Air'. And 'Air' doesn't tend to buy a whole hell of a lot. It doesn't have a bank account.
In these tight economic times, a smart company is going to use those limited advertising funds where it will do them the most good- while
also doing something 'altruistic and noble'.
So why should they be moved to support USS, when they can slap their logos on a figure skating venue or alpine skiing event? -These sports at least get
some media attention. Why? because they have
FANS! People who actually care enough to watch.
What a concept....ever heard of it?And how do you attempt to GROW a sport without fans. And how do you ATTRACT fans, when there is no attempt to gain any, and all efforts to get some sort of media attention - ANY attention is constantly thwarted. Hey, I look at all our blurry pics, videos and whatnot as 'free advertising'. At least we're trying to get other people interested.
I wouldn't mind so much the banning of our shaky, fuzzy, dark and blurry videos and photos, if they would post, play or broadcast some BETTER ones of their own!
And I'll give you what we had to go through to see videos of the World Team Event as Exhibit A.
If it wasn't for our complete and total whining, begging, pleading, cajoling and all out snivel fest to our Brit compatriots, we NEVER would have seen them! I do understand the concept of copyright laws, but the only reason they seem to buy the rights to these things is so they can hold 'em hostage - and only to those living in North America!!!! LOL (although I will grant you, this was an ISU thing, not USS)
WWWWHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY? It's almost looks like a collective, taunting NGB, ISU:
"neener, neener, neener - we have something you can't see, we have something you can't see..." And speaking of the NGB, one of the skater's parents had told me:
"You fans are great! You are grabbing the NGB by the ears and pulling them into the 21st century!"Now you are going to laugh when I tell you this, but I e-mailed back:
"NGB? What does that stand for? No Good Bastards? For which my reply had him laughing his a$$ off.
"No" he said,
" it stands for National Governing Body" (...what can I say? I just call 'em USS)
My reply?
..."Hey, I like MY definition better...."