Post by Friendly Guest on May 4, 2006 14:32:08 GMT -5
:DI believe Apolo's father's age would be closer to 61 than 51, if Apolo's brother is 10 years older. This would have made his dad only 17 when he fathered this other son, and I think this person is supposed to live in the US isn't he. I don't think Mr. Ohno left Japan until he was 18.
Post by friendly guest on May 4, 2006 14:35:52 GMT -5
I haven't quite figured out the edit function yet. I meant to say Mr. Ohno would have only been 17 when he fathered Apolo's brother, if he were only 51 now. I believe this is incorrect, as he did not leave Japan until he was 18. Sorry about the vagueness of the above post.
Post by CrimsonAngel on May 4, 2006 14:47:22 GMT -5
Hi everybody, I see that this thread is rolling again Billye, I don't get most of my information about Apolo from some book that he wrote when he was 19. And to be honest alot of us don't. That's why I always say we don't know what Apolo is thinking. And actually I get alot of my info about him from different interviews and webistes that have not been posted here. And they are current viewpoints, but then things are only so current if you don't know the person, and if you don't hear them talking about it as much. Now, the part about Apolo's brother. Actually I wasn't the first to bring it up, and there were plenty of facts that I didn't even know, like his brother's name, and I found his mother's name on a website, now those things don't change in four years (unless they changed their names) but those things stay the same. As well as me posting things as facts, and other posters coming to me for facts, well that's them, I never clamied to be the "resident fact expert" on Apolo Ohno. And my feeling on what he is and do is just based on my feelings. I think he doesn't know what he really wants to do with his life, but I don't kow the man so I might be wrong completely. But that's just my feeling, and MOST of my feelings about Apolo I DO NOT post on this board or in PMs. And for that that there are some people who feel like I DON"T know it all, that's fine. I don't care about that, I mean whatever Becuase as seen on this thread ain't too many people happy with you right now huh? So I guess fair is fair
Post by CrimsonAngel on May 4, 2006 14:49:51 GMT -5
And Lindsey, you hit it right on the nail!!! I'm with you, join the forum!
If you keep posting info and correcting facts that other posters have written, and don't post your name, then probably nobody will trust you.
Whether they like me or not.
Post by Friendly Guest on May 4, 2006 14:57:03 GMT -5
Keep on truckin' crimsonangel. All these 'facts' can be found on the Internet. I have seen nothing on this board that I have not seen previously. I agree with you, no one really knows any 'intimate' details. Wish I did though! What a sexy guy.
Post by Friendly Guest on May 4, 2006 14:58:24 GMT -5
PS Haven't joined yet because I usually just read, but I am thinking about it. This is a very welld one board and I enjoy it.
Post by CrimsonAngel on May 4, 2006 15:04:16 GMT -5
Keep on truckin' crimsonangel. All these 'facts' can be found on the Internet. I have seen nothing on this board that I have not seen previously. I agree with you, no one really knows any 'intimate' details. Wish I did though! What a sexy guy. Hey Friendly Guest, welcome!!! And yes I know some people can't join because of problems with registering or may not have the time, but I welcome all the lurkers and newbies!!! This is great!!! And in the spirit of this post, I welcome "guest" and Billye as well. No hard feelings
Post by laura6 on May 4, 2006 19:45:43 GMT -5
I can alwayscount on crimson to take the high road!!!!!
Post by CrimsonAngel on May 4, 2006 20:05:09 GMT -5
I can alwayscount on crimson to take the high road!!!!! Hey Laura, where have you been
Post by laura6 on May 4, 2006 20:07:47 GMT -5
I have been lurking...and busy with proms and such...
Post by CrimsonAngel on May 4, 2006 20:09:31 GMT -5
I have been lurking...and busy with proms and such... Aw Laura, sorry to hear that, but welcome back
Post by billiey36 on May 4, 2006 20:14:02 GMT -5
I've actually posted in several places, and the only one I've been critical to is Crimson who is rude to other posters.
I've seen new people post on this board and be totally ignored, which is the only reason I even jumped in in the first place.
Lindsey, I don't join for several reasons. I am quite a bit older than the average age on this board and prefer more in depth discussions. This isn't meant as a knock on the other posters. We just have different tastes and age has something to do with that.
Secondly, there is really only a small group that posts regularly, and differing opinions aren't welcome. It's a bit too high schoolish for me, and I'm way past high school.
And lastly, you attempted to make rules that would've at least caused people to think before they posted, and then you backed down and pretty much turned the board over to the group I mentioned earlier.
I thought about joining back when you first started. There were lots of different posters and discussions then. That's no longer the case, and I seldom feel the urge to contribute my 2 cents.
I only jumped in because a little girl posted, and not one of you bothered to acknowledge her. Maybe it's the mom in me because I am older, but I thought she deserved a response.
Post by CrimsonAngel on May 4, 2006 20:17:22 GMT -5
Well you have your reasons, I said welcome and I'm not rude to posters.
I admit I did make a comment at guest, I admit that.
But again, in the spirit of letting bygones be bygones, I welcome you to the board.
Everyone here is free to post whatever they want.
Post by jay on May 4, 2006 20:55:30 GMT -5
here cool down girls/boys.....let's just forget everything, ok and start to post any infos whether it's confirmed or vice versa here about apolo's half bro
Post by Ruffian of Old on May 4, 2006 22:57:41 GMT -5
Crimson is not rude.
Sometimes people don't have a response. Sometimes certain discussions dont interest certain posters. There isn't some malicious exclusionary mindset on this board. I've seen boards like that, and believe you me, this one does NOT qualify. New posters are welcomed with open arms.
You prefer more in depth discussions about your Apolo fandom? Well aren't you just Little Miss Special Smarty Pants. We're all very impressed.
Don't knock the regulars. Crims, californiagrown, jay, Lindsey, krysten, Rach and all the rest keep this board hoppin'. I've spoken to these regulars and others (I know there are more! ;D) and have been just delighted to find they are lovely posters and enjoy lively discussions. They enjoy hearing from others and are open to opinions different from their own.
Judging from the negative way you seem to portray your high school years, I'm guessing you weren't liked/treated well. I'm sorry to hear that.
Oh no you didn't! Lindsey is probably the most open-minded and democratic Mods I've come in contact with (and I've met quite a few). From what I've seen, everybody follows her rules. Everybody respects her wishes and her ownership of the board. But, by the same token, she respects her posters and wants us to enjoy her board (like a good mod would). This is not a fault.
If you don't want to contribute, that's your thing. Don't blame it on us. If you've got something to say, start a thread and put your two cents in. Hell, put a nickle in. If you don't have anything to say, well, a couple of pennies saved is a couple of pennies earned, right?
Is it the mom in you that called out Crims?