Post by sintha on Apr 23, 2006 15:53:01 GMT -5
yeah i know!!! i've been pretty busy!! or just Lazy!!!
Post by Krysten on Apr 23, 2006 16:00:19 GMT -5
HAHAHAHA. I just went to go see Thank You For Smoking yesterday. It was really good. Adam Brody from The O.C. is in it but briefly. I LOVE HIM!!! he's hot LOL
Post by sintha on Apr 23, 2006 16:09:46 GMT -5
isn't Katie Holmes in that movie also? And i heard when they were viewing it in SUndance Film Festival....like somehow the "love scene" between Katie and another actor had been like cut off.....and like some people thought that Tom did that.
Post by Krysten on Apr 23, 2006 16:11:47 GMT -5
Oh i never heard of that...Tom is crazy...he doesnt know what he was doing. LOL Like did u see him on Oprah that one year??? Cuz he was supposedly in "love" with Katie LOL he jumps up on the couch!!! LOLOLOLOL someone needs to send Oprah a message saying that she needs to put Apolo on her show!!!!
Post by sintha on Apr 23, 2006 16:15:18 GMT -5
OMG!!! that' was sooo weird and stupid....i mean Love can make you do things.....but that was just in a diff LEvel of stupidity!!LOL.....
Totally.......but, Oprah has on guests that's like SUpeR famous!!!LOL...........soo APOlo like has to win all 4 races...and break all 4 world records at one event!!LOL....(that's like impossible!lol) orr.......pull a '02 controversy!!!LOL
Post by Krysten on Apr 23, 2006 16:16:32 GMT -5
Not all the time....
Post by sintha on Apr 23, 2006 16:18:18 GMT -5
well yeah....she has like.....REaL people on too. Soooo... i dunno!!!
Post by Krysten on Apr 23, 2006 16:19:35 GMT -5
Well Apolo is kinda REALLY famous...when you think about it.
Post by sintha on Apr 23, 2006 17:38:03 GMT -5
yup yup!!! i think Oprah is too busy to see that!!LOL
Post by Krysten on Apr 23, 2006 18:52:25 GMT -5
WAY to oblivious to have someone like APOLO on her show....retard LOL JK She just needs someone to email her...LOL
Post by Elle on May 24, 2006 23:14:02 GMT -5
I saw Inside Man. It's so wicked. i love clive Owen. He's bloody gorgeous. I also saw him in Closer. He plays a wicked character.
Post by Elle on May 24, 2006 23:14:29 GMT -5
I think we should start a new poll. This movies are old.
Post by warhorse on May 24, 2006 23:22:06 GMT -5
I liked Silent Hill. Defintely had it's brutal moments!
Post by laura6 on May 24, 2006 23:25:00 GMT -5
I loved silent hill!!!!!!!!
but the best is Hostel
Post by Elle on May 24, 2006 23:35:35 GMT -5
I watched hostel for the first time the other night and I didnt think it was as gruesome as expected.
i thought it was a bit funny.
someone told me that Silent Hill was good. Cant wait to see it.